Working Hard

Good morning, world! What gets you up when it’s dark outside? For me, it’s the gentle nicker from our equine babies saying they are ready for breakfast. They are satisfied with the basics of life: shelter, food, water, and love. Don’t get me wrong, they each have their own idiosyncrasies that can make life challenging and/or expensive, but they do teach you to appreciate the simple things in life.

As humans, we tend to complicate friendships, our jobs, our homes, in fact, just about everything. When I stand next to my horse in the morning and feel his breath on my face, there is a peace on the farm. When he nickers from the gate, the greeting brings a smile to my face. When he nuzzles me, I feel loved. No words were spoken, but so much was communicated.

Farm life is hard. It was more than we even expected. Growing up on farms as kids, we didn’t understand all that went into working one. We have never been so tired, so frustrated, and yet so happy to be with our animals every day.