Up and Running

The farm life is up and running and busy as ever! The barn, arena, and fences were finally finished and the animals are home! Oh, by the way, we inherited a Dartmoor pony when we moved our Arabian gelding home. He doesn’t not enjoy sharing food but cannot stand for her to be out of his sight-such a goofball! They are enjoying their two acres of grass as well as their smaller paddocks in the backyard. The foxhounds are happy to run free in their fenced in yard! We have rescued a wren from inside the greenhouse who had knocked herself out as well as caught two twin fawns and returned them to the woods and back to mama doe. The horses and hounds all had a workout during that morning! The iris, peonies, and azaleas are done blooming but we are now enjoying the gladiolas, roses, and hydrangeas. We even had some surprise calla lilies we didn’t know had been previously planted! The greenhouse is a work in progress as it still needs painted and planned out a bit. The raised garden beds were put on hold for this year. The weeds have no problem growing even when the weather is not profitable for the grass, but alas, they will still be there tomorrow. I must say seeing our horses in the morning when we wake up is a joy!