The Do’s and Don’ts

Afternoon Tea Etiquette:

Do call it Afternoon Tea. (if you’re not sure what that means, check my previous post)

Don’t call it High Tea.

Do dress appropriately, business casual at minimum

Don’t wear ripped jeans, short dress, or scuffed shoes

Do assign one guest to pour the tea for everyone at the table.

Don’t ever serve yourself first and don’t overfill the teacups.

Do stir the tea with a teaspoon up and down.

Don’t stir in a circular motion, banging the cup.

Do hold the teacup by meeting your thumb and index finger in the handle.

Don’t hold your finger through the handle or stick your pinky out.

Do sip your tea and enjoy each drop. It is an experience.

Don’t slurp your tea unless your a professional tea taster in the proper location.

Do break the scone by hand in half or bit sized chunks.

Don’t cut the scone with a knife or take bites out of the whole scone.

Do spread the jam and clotted cream on each half, using a knife.

Don’t sandwich the halves back together or dunk the scone in milk.