“weed your words wisely”

    Any plant called a weed will go through life with low expectations. Think about it…if we are told as an individual the same thing over and over, we will begin to believe that about ourselves even if it isn’t true. We will assume we can be any different. Be careful what you say to people..words really do matter!

  • quotes

    Say “yes” to words

    “I am by nature a dealer in words, and words are the most powerful drug known to humanity.” -Rudyard Kipling

    Words can heal the soul or break the spirit…choose wisely.

  • Hold

    Wise Words – List 3

    Obticeo – (verb) intransitive, to be silent; of Latin origin

    Quiescent – (adjective), in a state of inactivity or dormancy; of Latin origin, mid 17th century

    Whelve – (verb) to bury something deep, to hide; of Old English origin meaning to turn upside down to cover something

    Kadota – (verb) intransitive, to disappear, vanish, to fade; of Finnish origin

  • Hold

    Wise Words – List 2


    Vagary – (noun) An unpredictable instance, a wandering journey; a whimsical or unusual idea or action. Origin – Latin

    Eutaxy – (noun) good order or management, Origin – Greek

    Mellifluous – (adjective) sweet or rich flow, pleasant to hear, Origin – late Latin, 15th century

    Uitwaaien – (verb) to take a break and clear one’s mind, literally walk in the wind, Origin – Netherlands

  • Hold

    Wise Words – List 1

    Saorsa – (noun)  meaning freedom, salvation, redemption, or liberty; Scottish Gaelic origin from Old Irish word, sairse

    Litoreus – (adjective) meaning of the seashore or where the beach meets the water’s edge; Latin origin

    Hiraeth – (noun) homesickness or nostalgia, an longing for a place you can’t return to; Welsh origin

    Boketto – (verb) to stare vacantly into the distance without specific thought; Japanese origin