The Giving Tree

    One of my favorite books when I first become a librarian twenty some years ago was “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein. First, we give thanksgiving for all that we have in this life. It’s no wonder that Christmas follows Thanksgiving. After we are reminded to be grateful for all we have, Christmas follows as an opportunity to share what we’ve been given. This season always reminds me of this book as my mama taught me it truly is better to give than to receive. With my mom no longer here, I will carry on her love of giving to others.

    Now that I’m back working at a library, it has felt like coming home. I love reading to kids again and watching them learn while they play and interact with each other. I love helping patrons find a new author or chat about life. I love seeing literacy increase every time a new library card is handed out. I’m living my passion again. It is not work, it is a joy!

    This year several opportunities are available at our library for helping in our community. A Christian Ministry is collecting new books for children in the lake area. They also set up a beautiful tree filled with angels who need some help with gifts this year. Another collection is new toys which will be shared with kids in our local school system. The final opportunity being collected at our library is helping the senior citizens in our community who don’t have others to share with them. All of these are people in need, in our local area, and it’s an honor to help.

    As in “The Giving Tree” sometimes God calls us to give until we feel we have nothing left to give. When we are blessed and able to bless others, it bring such joy! Christmas is about giving without expecting in return. The smile you put on another’s face will never be in vain. Be present this year and be a gift in someone else’s world.