• Hold

    Wise Words – List 3

    Obticeo – (verb) intransitive, to be silent; of Latin origin

    Quiescent – (adjective), in a state of inactivity or dormancy; of Latin origin, mid 17th century

    Whelve – (verb) to bury something deep, to hide; of Old English origin meaning to turn upside down to cover something

    Kadota – (verb) intransitive, to disappear, vanish, to fade; of Finnish origin

  • Hold

    Wise Words – List 2


    Vagary – (noun) An unpredictable instance, a wandering journey; a whimsical or unusual idea or action. Origin – Latin

    Eutaxy – (noun) good order or management, Origin – Greek

    Mellifluous – (adjective) sweet or rich flow, pleasant to hear, Origin – late Latin, 15th century

    Uitwaaien – (verb) to take a break and clear one’s mind, literally walk in the wind, Origin – Netherlands