?Mushroom Latte?

    Mushrooms have NEVER been something I’ve enjoyed. I know, I know…they are good for you and have so many health benefits. But I just can’t handle the texture. Now coffee, that is something I LOVE and enjoy the social aspect of sharing it with my hubby on dates or meeting a friend to catch up on life.

    Then…a few weeks ago, an ad popped up on social media for…you ready…mushroom coffee! WHAT??? How could they take those funky textured fungi and a favorite drink of caffeine and combine them? And, it’s good for you, because of those mushrooms. But the texture is all gone because the coffee is smooth as silk.

    I gave it a try and I’m hooked! It not only feels like I am having creamy latte every morning but I’m now gaining the health benefits of those “icky” mushrooms that I can’t taste but know they are in there.

    What are the health benefits? Well, here are the mushrooms included in RYZE mushroom coffee and their benefits:


    lion’s mane-focus

    reishi-stress relief

    shiitake-immune support

    turkey tail-healthy digestion

    king trumpet-anti-inflammation

    Who doesn’t want more energy, clarity of mind, a way to manage stress, stronger immune system, a healthier gut, and less inflammation? ME, please!!!

    I am already feeling the effects of these adaptogenic mushrooms. I’m even sleeping better and having less mood swings. WIN for me and my family!

    Try it out for yourself:


  • Fiction


    The raindrops hitting the window caused Natalie to linger in her morning slumber longer than normal. Her only motivation was remembering her fika later that day. She hadn’t visited with her best friend, Georgia since she had up and moved to Wyoming. 

    The call came last week when Georgia announced she would be back in town for the weekend. She was eager to meet up with Natalie over a cup of coffee and catch up. Life for Natalie was a roller coaster of emotions and non-stop running. Georgia’s life had changed dramatically since she had decided to suddenly move to Wyoming.

    Georgia had dreamed of being a writer since she was young girl. She would search for four-leaf clovers and make wishes from dandelions gone to seed in hopes of life not passing her by. It seemed life had different plans for Georgia as a car accident took the use of her legs. For months she labored through intense physical therapy, yet feeling like there was no progress. Her friend, Natalie had encouraged her day by day to keep fighting. 

    After a year of therapy, the doctors informed Georgia that though some progress had been made, she would never have a full recovery of the use of her legs. She would need a wheelchair the rest of her life. She was devastated and felt like giving up. In her mind, there was nothing to live for…she would never have independence, daily life would be a struggle, and she couldn’t inspire anyone when she barely had a thread of hope herself.

    Sophia, one of the fellow rehab patients, reminded Georgia that she didn’t need the use of her legs to be a writer. It was as if Sophia had slapped her across the face as if waking from a deep sleep. She was right! Writing required the use of her hands and fingers, not her legs. From that day on, she was determined to start a new life somewhere else with a past goal…being a writer. 

    Natalie nervously wondered how Georgia would have changed since she saw her last fall. It had been two years since her accident and a year of her living in a new town. She sat down again, drinking her third cup of coffee since she arrived at the bistro. As she straightened her napkin again, she looked up and saw Georgia wheeling herself through the door. She stood up and walked over to give Georgia a hug.

    Fika – (noun), of Swedish origin; a break from activity during which people drink coffee or relax over conversation with others

    What is your favorite coffee/tea shop to meet friends and catch up?