Spring…my happy place

“The earth laughs in flowers.” -Emerson

Ahhh…the colors of spring fill the yard and my soul. Life is beginning anew, fresh foliage for a new year. Spring brings a lightness to my heart. The little wrens begin to build their nest and sing their morning songs. I’m so very thankful my grandma taught me to recognize the many species of backyard birds; their songs make me feel like a little girl again. The grass is refreshed with new variations of green. The scent of a fresh mown lawn takes me back to my childhood homestead where acres of green grass and hayfields brought work but also fun with family and friends with cookouts, back porch swinging, and catching fireflies. So many flowers that bring a smile: the daffodil, the iris, the tulip, the crocus, and the hyacinth. My mama had the prettiest flower beds around. She loved them as did her generations before her, so they provide a closeness to all the ones I have lost but carry in my heart.

Spring, with its newness, gives an opportunity to change our perspective. The cool mornings and warm sunshine-filled afternoons help soothe some of the melancholy that settled in over the long, cold winter months. Colors make it even easier to think on things I’m grateful for in this season. The early maple leaves still hold the color of autumn, the bright pinks, yellows, and blues shout beauty, and green grass makes you want to lie down and imagine the clouds as sailboats and dragons like we did as kids.

As I sit and drink my tea this morning, watching the sunlight dance through the leaves, I’m reminded of the verse where we are reminded that the “flowers neither toil nor spin, but not even King Solomon was arrayed like these.” (Matthew 6:28-33) Enjoy the beauty of new life and vibrant colors as you walk among your day and know that God gives us these blessings to enjoy.

And remember to laugh, as Emerson once said, “the earth laughs in flowers.”