
His calloused hands were lined with years of hard work. He was nearing his ninetieth birthday when the order came from the government to “stay home.” The nurses tried to explain that the nursing facility was on lockdown. They tried to help Mr. Damon understand that he was not allowed to leave the facility but worse yet, his dear wife was not able to visit him either. 

The dementia that had settled in his mind over the past year made it extremely difficult for him to comprehend all that was going on with the new restrictions. Agitation was a common occurence when things didn’t go his way. But this time appeared to be very different. 

Mr. Damon simply stared out the window as fresh tears streamed down his cheeks. But the nurses couldn’t offer him any reassurance on when the lockdown would lift.

He began experiencing sehnsucht because of the heartbreak and confusion. Though his mind was failing him, he was aware enough that he longed to hear his wife’s voice. The nurses quietly left his room as there was nothing they could say to ease the pain on the old man’s face.

Sehnsucht – (noun) German origin, a high degree of intense desire or longing for something or someone with an uncertainity as to when it can be attained.

These times in our nation are certainly making history. There is no definitive end in sight so many of us are having feelings of longing for things and people that we are missing. Hopefully when our lives return to a “new normal,” we will be more intentional to spend time with the ones we love. Who is one person you can’t wait to spend time with as soon as you are able?