Lasting Art

Some days are just a stream of chaos. Yesterday was a struggle. I couldn’t keep my mind focused on the good things in life. My concentration lacked control. I felt like crying at any given moment. I shook off the urge to fall apart as I was working an eight hour day. Straining to keep my chin up and be grateful for life,  I pushed through until the drive home. Then, I cried silently in my car as I listened to my audio book, The Invisible Thread. It reminded me to appreciate the little things in life amidst the chaos we cannot control. Even among hard days, there are moments that are truly worth smiling about. Don’t allow life to beat you down. Pick yourself up, dust off the depression, frustration and ugliness life sometimes throws at you, and know there is a God who loves you and is shaping you to be all that you can be. He cares about the “yucky” in life as much as He does the beautiful. He will use those ashes of grief, loneliness, and even the ugliness of anger to create lasting art…His art…YOU! Don’t give up; keep fighting…you are worth it.