Invest in the Children

From the time I knew I was first expecting, I collected books for my children. I read to them before they were born in hopes of instilling a love for words. As they snuggled in my lap, I read so they could know the meaning of time well spent. As they grew, I read to encourage their vocabulary. As they were learning to read to themselves, I continued to read books to give them a desire to read more. As they mastered reading, I read aloud so we could share in family learning.

Our wise children’s librarian and storyteller once shared with me, let them read books that are below their level for pure enjoyment, encourage them to read books on their level for gaining confidence, provide books for them above their reading level to give a challenge to reach, and let them see you reading as an example of continual learning.

As adults, we are often discouraged from using our imagination. So much of what we do in day to day life becomes routine and simply regurgitating information. Imagination is a gift to be opened and should never be put back in a box. Books of all kinds keep the imagination growing and stretching in all directions.

Reading books allows us to travel without leaving our seat. With our world changing at such a fast pace and turning more and more to electronic devices, may we never replace the value of a book we hold in our hands.

There are libraries and bookstores in nearly every town. But if you need the convenience of quality books that will teach you and your children as well as encourage imagination while providing a virtual trip around the world, look no further than USBORNE BOOKS & MORE. If you need a friendly consultant for guidance, contact Dawin Strelow at

Happy Reading!



“Oh, magic hour, when a child first knows she can read printed words!” — A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, 1943