Exciting Things are Coming Soon…

Literacy has been a passion of mine since I was in elementary school. My first grade teacher, Mrs. Gerhardt, noticed that I was struggling to keep up with reading. She pulled me aside after class one day and said she wanted to give me a special class that would help me not only catch up but excel in reading. She even had me assigned to the elementary school paper, The Pony Express. At first I was hurt, but after I started reading more and more, I got excited!  I even earned an undeclared minor in writing, just for fun!

Fast forward to having children of my own, I chose to homeschool and read as many books to them as I could. My family has always teased me about having more books than furniture in our home…I wouldn’t have it any other way!

After a few years, I began teaching literature and writing at a homeschool co-op. I LOVE reading and I LOVE teaching!

Having experience working with kids that have some reading and language challenges has made me grow as a teacher and learn creative ways to teach outside the box!

Having the farm and a couple of horses brought new interest! I wanted to help give  our semi-retired Arabian a side-job! He is fantastic with kids and incredibly patient. Our pony is learning lots of new things; she is not only adorable but very brave about new adventures!

Stay tuned for more details on how tutoring and horses are coming together to bring joy and learning…