
An eerie silence filled the empty streets as Trish stared out her highrise apartment. The days had slipped into weeks with no end in sight to the government order of social distancing. Trish never considered a pandemic during her lifetime. But here she was, facing the unknown and praying her life and the lives of her loved ones would be spared. 

Spring allergins were surfacing in droves as the flowering trees and shrubs at least provided color and esperance to an otherwise dismal situation. The sunshine flooded the livingroom as she daydreamed of the summer vacation she had planned in France. Everything was on hold for now until some more evidence was learned about the duration of this deadly disease.

Trish recalled verse after verse of her Sunday school teachings regarding giving God His rightful place in society. Even she had gotten comfortable in the day to day mundane activities. She tried to fit church into her schedule but it seemed things were always getting in the way. Now with churches closed for services, it seemed she was praying more than ever.

Esperance – of French origin, meaning hope

We are living in strange times but one thing remains the same…our hope can only be found in Christ Jesus. He is still sovereign, and He is waiting for our time. Isn’t that what we have all been saying for years? “If I just had more hours in the day…” Now we have uncharted amounts of time. What will you choose to do with yours?