Earl Grey vs Lady Grey

The long standing tradition of Earl Grey tea was introduced during the 19th century. It was named after the Prime Minister of the UK, Earl Charles Grey. The original recipe was simply a black tea with a touch of bergamot oil. It has strong citrus notes and caffeine to wake your senses. It can be enjoyed straight or highlighted with milk. The taste of current Earl Grey teas will vary depending on the tea blender/company.

Lady Earl Grey wasn’t introduced to us until the 1990’s. As expected, it was named after the wife of Earl Charles Grey–Lady Mary Elizabeth Grey. In addition to the traditional black tea and bergamot oil, lemon and orange peels are added to the flavor. It has a lighter taste with extra citrus notes. It can also be enjoyed with or without cream. The taste however will be the same as it is unique only to Twinings.

**I often indulge in an Earl Grey tea upon rising as it helps to awaken the senses as well as warm the stomach before breakfast. My first experience with Lady Earl Grey was at a Bed and Breakfast in Charlottesville, VA. It was a delightful experience and one I’ve enjoyed many times since.