No Words Needed

    When no words need to be spoken to see love shared between a horse and his girl.


    Autumn Solitude

    Morning dew glistened on the fresh fallen leaves as I admired the stillness of the empty cabin. Imagining who might have stayed within these walls or rested in these chairs, my mind smiled at the thought of another story.


    Grow Through It

    Sometimes in life we are given challenges that seem to be unbearable. We cannot possibly imagine how we could grow through certain tough circumstances. However, God gives us His strength to overcome the hurt, pain, and trial. We cannot do it alone. Do not be afraid to reach out when you’re in pain in this life…we were created to be relational beings. We need each other. We can grow. At times, you have to push through the hard in order to have something beautiful on the other side. Don’t give up!


    Through the Iris

    Iris have been a favorite flower of mine since I was a little girl. My grandma had them planted on either side of her driveway. They were in every shade you can imagine but her favorite was the purple. My mom in turn had iris planted at our house out in the country. I remember her sharing them every couple of years when we had to split the bulbs so they would have room to grow and flourish. Now I have iris blooming at my farm. I have delicate white ones with a handful of purples. I’m so thankful I have some of our family’s favorite color! The iris of the eye is the colored part and is like a fingerprint. It’s unique to you. The eye of the camera will see what each individual photographer sees and composes. So when I was coming up with a logo for my photography business, I chose to use the iris flower, in purple of course, inside the shutter.