Reading Reviews

reviews of books I have read

  • Reading Reviews

    The Bookshop of Yesterdays

    Wanting to race through the uneven pages

    Instead, lingering over every word as if it were the last

    Feeling like you’ve met these people somewhere before

    Yet only having spoken between the creasing of the spine.

    Wishing for more time to understand their purpose

    But the cover has simply been closed, much too soon

    Learning your own past and present, unexpectedly

    While having disappeared into a world all their own.

    Few books resonate so deeply that it feels like your own life is intertwined with the characters

    You met while immersing yourself in another world, another time, another place.

    Love, joy, place…family. Where do they all meet? That is where the future is found.

    The Bookshop of Yesterdays by Amy Meyerson

  • Reading Reviews

    The Big House

    From the first page, the writing felt like home. Though I was swept up in the story, I had to read it in small doses so I could appreciate the personal journey. It is down to earth yet intricately nostalgic. Similar to sitting down and having a long conversation over a cup of coffee, it created an urgency for white space and a chance to breathe. After having completed the reading of “The Big House”, it felt as if I had gotten to know author, George Howe Colt, as a friend. If you are looking for a book that will trace your life steps like walking through the rooms of a summer home on Cape Cod, look no further. This memoir is a special treat to be enjoyed one piece at a time. Trust me, you will wish to return to its pages for reflection…maybe every summer.

  • Reading Reviews

    A Treasury of Thoughts

    Trademark humor and moments of wit make “The Maeve Binchy Writers’ Club” a simple pleasure for adorning your bookshelves. “…I taught confidence, to tell them that they were responsible for their own lives,” Binchy taught her students and her readers. Whether you are looking for a gentle nudge as a new writer or a measure of encouragement to a seasoned author, this sweet collection of letters from Maeve, interwoven with helpful insights from other authors, is worth keeping close by.

  • Reading Reviews

    The Bookshop on the Corner

    “The Bookshop on the Corner” by Jenny Colgan was a delight to read. The characters made you laugh, cry, and everything in between. The descriptive details allowed you to travel to the many destinations throughout the book. As a fictional novel, I was inspired to go after a dream of my own after learning the courage Nina had to take what seemed like a disaster and instead, make a new life of beautiful possibilities.
    If you are looking for the perfect book to curl up under a blanket with a cup of tea on a rainy day, this is it! Let me know what you think!