
my personal poetry

  • Poetry

    Space to breathe

    Space.  .  .  . to breathe

    to rewrite – tattered pages, smudged from the tears that flooded my cheeks

    to reach – deep within the soul that has been locked up and chained with silence

    to remember – the confusion that engorged my brain with dense unsettling fog

    to rest – allowing the entire earth to reset, a hibernation for humankind

    to restore – hope for humanity as they re-emerge for a new kind of normal

    to reconnect – taking in the scent, the sound, and the sight of everything we love

    to reimagine – myself, whole and unblemished and ready for a world of tomorrows

  • Poetry

    Seasons of Age

    young and carefree days
    ferris wheels and cotton candy
    walking hand in hand
    getting lost in each other’s gaze
    smooth skin and bright eyes
    dropping love notes in the mail
    dreaming of the their future
    planning their wedding day
    so many memories to capture
    beginnings happening everyday

    years start to drift together
    now it’s bills and dinner menus
    passing each other in the hall
    loosing oneself amidst our jobs
    wrinkled skin and dark circled eyes
    leaving to do lists on the counter
    planning for retirement days
    getting their affairs in order
    so many memories to look back on
    as they realize age has settled in

  • Poetry


    Fire bursting from the sky

    Yellow, pink, and red

    A ball of light rising high

    Awakened from my bed.

    Your majesty seen above the waves

    Your glory shown ‘round the world

    You created such a masterpiece

    When your sunrise was unfurled.