
my personal poetry

  • MUSINGS,  Poetry

    Thunderstorm of the Soul


    My screams are caught in my throat

    Nowhere to escape this prison

    Emotions don’t allow me access

    I stand alone on a street without a name

    My whispers of pain just echo in silence

    Thunder pounds inside my head

    Lighting sears the color of my eyes

    The rain pelts against my broken soul

    I can’t go back —

    I just want to be that little girl

    She hugs me and says, it’s gonna be alright

    But as I stand alone, soaked to my bones, 

    And no more tears to give…

    I wonder


    ___Katie Beth Cummins

  • Poetry

    Grief…brittle hope

    The leaves of autumn did not bring their normal respite to my soul. I lost my precious mama in October of 2020. Grief has never felt so empty and yet I am not without hope because of my God. As I stood on the path we walked each visit, the leaves fallen and brittle, my heart dug deep to the love my mama gave. Life will never be the same but she is at peace with God, and I will see her again…on the other side of my tomorrow.

    Loneliness stirs

    Weakening my already brittle spirit

    Heaviness settles

    Pressing down on my broken heart

    Thanksgiving begins

    Bearing pain beneath the tears

    Happiness grieves

    Making way to new memories

    But for today, my soul simply remembers

  • Poetry

    Cracks Emerge

    Carefully placed in a living garden

    Burrowed deep beneath the green

    Tiny shells lay nestled, resting

    Warmed by a mother’s love

    Waiting for the day

    When cracks begin to form

    And freedom emerges.

  • Poetry

    Cracked but Not Broken

    A love that is like no other

    steadfast…giving until it hurts

    Forsaking herself

    Yet wishing to remain whole.

    Time has broken her heart

    And filled it again with gold.

    The cracks never disappear

    But the love is greater than the pain.

    Her life looks far different

    Than her expectations foretold,

    But someday looking back

    When her children are grown and old,

    She will realize she’d rather have cracks and creases

    Caused by pain than to be perfectly beautiful

    And not know the love of being a mom.

  • Poetry

    Healed, Inside and Out

    There was a hole in my heart I didn’t know existed until I first looked at you.

    It was as if you could feel the raw emotion I had buried deep many years ago.

    You ran from me, unsure if you could trust.

    I stood and watched your undernourished body run as if for the first time,

    Though your muscles had no strength behind them.

    Each time you came near, you would stop and stare, so gently into my soul

    And I would fall just a little deeper in love with you.

    We have come a long way since the first evening we met,

    You are now older but with strength and grace, once hidden, now exposed

    I, too have aged but have begun to gain an internal strength that isn’t seen—

    As you have shown unconditional love and trust in somone so undeserving.

    I never knew what I needed to heal….

    was the love of a horse.