Day to day life stories


    ?Mushroom Latte?

    Mushrooms have NEVER been something I’ve enjoyed. I know, I know…they are good for you and have so many health benefits. But I just can’t handle the texture. Now coffee, that is something I LOVE and enjoy the social aspect of sharing it with my hubby on dates or meeting a friend to catch up on life.

    Then…a few weeks ago, an ad popped up on social media for…you ready…mushroom coffee! WHAT??? How could they take those funky textured fungi and a favorite drink of caffeine and combine them? And, it’s good for you, because of those mushrooms. But the texture is all gone because the coffee is smooth as silk.

    I gave it a try and I’m hooked! It not only feels like I am having creamy latte every morning but I’m now gaining the health benefits of those “icky” mushrooms that I can’t taste but know they are in there.

    What are the health benefits? Well, here are the mushrooms included in RYZE mushroom coffee and their benefits:


    lion’s mane-focus

    reishi-stress relief

    shiitake-immune support

    turkey tail-healthy digestion

    king trumpet-anti-inflammation

    Who doesn’t want more energy, clarity of mind, a way to manage stress, stronger immune system, a healthier gut, and less inflammation? ME, please!!!

    I am already feeling the effects of these adaptogenic mushrooms. I’m even sleeping better and having less mood swings. WIN for me and my family!

    Try it out for yourself:


    “In the Books”

    a safe place to sink into the quiet and disappear among the stories that line the shelves

    Began a new journey last week with the start of a new job at the Moneta/Smith Mountain Lake Library. I’m right back where I started before having children…living among the books. Though I miss being home every day on the farm, it’s good for me to have another focus to call my own.

    Since my mama passed away three years ago, I have struggled with finding purpose again. A library has always felt like a home away from home for me; a safe place to sink into the quiet and disappear among the stories that line the shelves. The quietness of the country library mixed with moments of conversations with the patrons reminds of the simplicity I long for day to day.

    Watching the faces of children light up as they check out new books never gets old. It reminds me how much I miss my own girls being little and wanting to curl up next to me with their favorite book. Reading aloud is such a treasure that somehow gets lost as we grow older. As adults, we often lose the wonder of the stories  held between the pages of a book. Maybe it’s society’s expectations of “don’t be so childish” or lack of time to enjoy the simple things in life, I happen to think it’s both.


    History in Full Color

    Taking a day to breathe in the autumn air and sip tea with a friend was a much needed respite. We visited the Anne Spencer Gardens in downtown Lynchburg. Anne was a recognized Harlem Renaissance poet, a librarian at Dunbar High School, and helped start the NAACP chapter in 1913 for Lynchburg, VA.

    Her husband built their home on Pierce Street and added a cottage retreat inside the gardens for his beloved wife to write about nature. He called it Edankraal, part of their names, Edward and Anne, and kraal which means “enclosure.”

    Both their residence and the cottage can be toured as well as the her magnificent gardens. Her garden has been restored with many of her original plantings, and is the only known restored garden of an African American in the United States. The home and cottage maintain 95% of the original furnishings with plenty of photographs to take visitors on a historical walk down memory lane.

    Visit to book a personal tour by Anne’s very own granddaughter. It is well worth your time and stop by during the seasonal changes, as the gardens change throughout the year!




    Working Hard

    Good morning, world! What gets you up when it’s dark outside? For me, it’s the gentle nicker from our equine babies saying they are ready for breakfast. They are satisfied with the basics of life: shelter, food, water, and love. Don’t get me wrong, they each have their own idiosyncrasies that can make life challenging and/or expensive, but they do teach you to appreciate the simple things in life.

    As humans, we tend to complicate friendships, our jobs, our homes, in fact, just about everything. When I stand next to my horse in the morning and feel his breath on my face, there is a peace on the farm. When he nickers from the gate, the greeting brings a smile to my face. When he nuzzles me, I feel loved. No words were spoken, but so much was communicated.

    Farm life is hard. It was more than we even expected. Growing up on farms as kids, we didn’t understand all that went into working one. We have never been so tired, so frustrated, and yet so happy to be with our animals every day.


    Quiet Moments

    As the days begin to cool off, I can feel autumn settling on the land. Colors just beginning to peek through on the tips of the trees. The paddocks are taking longer to dry out after a rain shower. The horses have a bit more pep in their step as the cooler weather and fewer flies are making them feel better. I love wrapping up in fuzzy blankets and taking the chill off with the fireplace. Sitting down with a book with the quietness surrounding me makes me smile. Fall spices fill the air: pumpkin lattes and my mama’s apple spice cake. Autumn begins to remind me that things are slowing down, getting ready to rest. When leaves fall to the ground, if I close my eyes, I can remember piling up all the maple and oak leaves in our yard so I could jump in! The simple joys of childhood often bring a smile and a tear simultaneously. The gray days start to fill the sky and the sunshiny days begin to fade. I cannot say I look forward to the long, dark days of winter. But I will choose to focus on the beauty of the color and cool mornings with my animals, my stack of books, and a steaming cup of tea.