Day to day life stories


    Emotional Roots

    Roots run deep whether you are discussing nature or those volatile feelings of a human being.

    Monday brought the work week but started off with a great turnout for my new book club at the library. (enter relief and excitement)

    While at book club, we all “bonded” over viewing the eclipse. (enter curiosity and amazement)

    Tuesday held a full day of running errands and doing housework. (enter busyness and exhaustion)

    Wednesday eased in with squeals of laughter and joy with my toddlers during story time. (enter happiness and love)

    Thursday carried thunderstorms and late night wind that wreaked havoc on our farm trails. (enter fear and worry)

    Friday morning awoke with debris covering the horses’ paddocks, near misses to the trailer but our animals were safe. The microburst that stormed a path the night before brought down six large, living poplar trees and left the trails impassable. But we are so grateful that God protected our horses and our trailer which were in the path of destruction. (enter sadness and thankfulness)

    Saturday changed plans with prom pictures being moved due to clean up on the farm but it did NOT dampen our emotions as our daughter enjoyed a night she had been looking forward to for a long time. We captured beautiful smiles amidst the cherry trees. (enter nostalgia and anticipation)

    One week threw a whirlwind of emotions (pun intended) our way. I won’t lie and say I rolled with it perfectly. I didn’t. However, it reminded me how little we have control over daily circumstances. Life can change in the blink of an eye.

    Still processing life day by day. Soil impacts the strength of roots as well as weather patterns and external stress that is added. We mimic nature in that we are affected by what we have learned over time, how we’ve grown, changed and adapted, but can also be uprooted by an unexpected turn of events.

    Nature provided a play on words this week as well as an analogy for my current space in time.

    A voice spoke truth. Was I listening?




    Spring…my happy place

    “The earth laughs in flowers.” -Emerson

    Ahhh…the colors of spring fill the yard and my soul. Life is beginning anew, fresh foliage for a new year. Spring brings a lightness to my heart. The little wrens begin to build their nest and sing their morning songs. I’m so very thankful my grandma taught me to recognize the many species of backyard birds; their songs make me feel like a little girl again. The grass is refreshed with new variations of green. The scent of a fresh mown lawn takes me back to my childhood homestead where acres of green grass and hayfields brought work but also fun with family and friends with cookouts, back porch swinging, and catching fireflies. So many flowers that bring a smile: the daffodil, the iris, the tulip, the crocus, and the hyacinth. My mama had the prettiest flower beds around. She loved them as did her generations before her, so they provide a closeness to all the ones I have lost but carry in my heart.

    Spring, with its newness, gives an opportunity to change our perspective. The cool mornings and warm sunshine-filled afternoons help soothe some of the melancholy that settled in over the long, cold winter months. Colors make it even easier to think on things I’m grateful for in this season. The early maple leaves still hold the color of autumn, the bright pinks, yellows, and blues shout beauty, and green grass makes you want to lie down and imagine the clouds as sailboats and dragons like we did as kids.

    As I sit and drink my tea this morning, watching the sunlight dance through the leaves, I’m reminded of the verse where we are reminded that the “flowers neither toil nor spin, but not even King Solomon was arrayed like these.” (Matthew 6:28-33) Enjoy the beauty of new life and vibrant colors as you walk among your day and know that God gives us these blessings to enjoy.

    And remember to laugh, as Emerson once said, “the earth laughs in flowers.”


    Light Near and Far

    Never let your light go out

    Decorating for Christmas can often start off with excitement and eagerness to help “deck the halls” of the home. However, sometimes it quickly turns to frustration over lights that don’t work, misplaced decorations, or which ornaments to put on the tree this year.

    But I also remember how much I love preparing through the Advent season, the carols, the giving of gifts, smiling faces of children, and oh the lights! My favorite part of Christmas the lights…the twinkling of tree lights in the evenings after dark, candlelight from the advent wreath, the tiny colored lights on the ceramic trees made by my grandma, and the driving through town enjoying neighborhood lights.

    I often wonder what it would have been like to see that beautiful Christmas star that led to the manger. The skies were aglow as the star led to the Christ child born to save His people. He brought hope to a fallen world. He loves me. I don’t have to question whether or not He loves me; His word tells me so. He IS the Light and it never goes out.

    For me, the lights of Christmas are a reminder in the dreariness of winter and gray days, that we are to be the light to others so they can see Christ. Kindness, love, and forgiveness bring hope to others. God calls us to be like His Son.

    Enjoy the lights this year and remember to never let your light go out. Keep shining the hope of Christmas all year round!


    The Giving Tree

    One of my favorite books when I first become a librarian twenty some years ago was “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein. First, we give thanksgiving for all that we have in this life. It’s no wonder that Christmas follows Thanksgiving. After we are reminded to be grateful for all we have, Christmas follows as an opportunity to share what we’ve been given. This season always reminds me of this book as my mama taught me it truly is better to give than to receive. With my mom no longer here, I will carry on her love of giving to others.

    Now that I’m back working at a library, it has felt like coming home. I love reading to kids again and watching them learn while they play and interact with each other. I love helping patrons find a new author or chat about life. I love seeing literacy increase every time a new library card is handed out. I’m living my passion again. It is not work, it is a joy!

    This year several opportunities are available at our library for helping in our community. A Christian Ministry is collecting new books for children in the lake area. They also set up a beautiful tree filled with angels who need some help with gifts this year. Another collection is new toys which will be shared with kids in our local school system. The final opportunity being collected at our library is helping the senior citizens in our community who don’t have others to share with them. All of these are people in need, in our local area, and it’s an honor to help.

    As in “The Giving Tree” sometimes God calls us to give until we feel we have nothing left to give. When we are blessed and able to bless others, it bring such joy! Christmas is about giving without expecting in return. The smile you put on another’s face will never be in vain. Be present this year and be a gift in someone else’s world.


    Lasting Art

    Some days are just a stream of chaos. Yesterday was a struggle. I couldn’t keep my mind focused on the good things in life. My concentration lacked control. I felt like crying at any given moment. I shook off the urge to fall apart as I was working an eight hour day. Straining to keep my chin up and be grateful for life,  I pushed through until the drive home. Then, I cried silently in my car as I listened to my audio book, The Invisible Thread. It reminded me to appreciate the little things in life amidst the chaos we cannot control. Even among hard days, there are moments that are truly worth smiling about. Don’t allow life to beat you down. Pick yourself up, dust off the depression, frustration and ugliness life sometimes throws at you, and know there is a God who loves you and is shaping you to be all that you can be. He cares about the “yucky” in life as much as He does the beautiful. He will use those ashes of grief, loneliness, and even the ugliness of anger to create lasting art…His art…YOU! Don’t give up; keep fighting…you are worth it.