
    Written by Kobi Yamada, this children’s story allowed a space for you to relate to feeling small in a big world. The illustrations by Elise Hurst are beautiful yet classic neutral tones to keep the reader focused on the meaning behind the story.

    In a world where things get unnoticed due to the hustle and bustle, this tale encourages the reader to slow down and look at the world with their hearts. It encourages the reader to use their imagination to expand what they see on any given day. The story follows a young girl and an accomplished painter who meander through the beauty of any given day.

    This book will encourage one to pay attention to the little things in life, to discover new things along the way, and to not fear the unknown. It also invites the reader to look within themselves and realize their hopes and dreams.

    This children’s story is beautifully written and illustrated and will now have a place on my personal home library shelf.