Breakfast Teas…difference?

Tea of Choice…

Depending on your heritage, one may have a preference on his/her morning tea. Here is a quick summary of the differences between the three main breakfast teas.

English – It is the lightest of the 3 main breakfast blends and tends to be bright and brisk. It’s a black tea blend consisting of Ceylon and Assam tea. It may include Keemun or tea from Kenya.

Irish – Stronger than the English breakfast but not to the strength of the Scottish blend. It has a rich and malty flavor. It is similar to the English breakfast but is predominately made with Assam.

Scottish – It is the strongest of the breakfast teas. It has a malty and oaky flavor due to the addition of black teas from Indonesia or China.

All three breakfast teas can be served well with milk and/or sugar. There is no defined recipe or formula, so their taste can vary slightly due to the tea company.